I’ve trained well over a thousand athletes of all levels (grade school up through college and even into the professional level) and in my time it’s become obvious that there were 5 Key Characteristics of ALL Successful Athletes.
#1: Consistency – I can’t think of one single great athlete that doesn’t show up 100% of the time. Obviously, life gets in the way sometimes but no matter what, these athletes show up or make it up in the very near future. You won’t find a great athlete who takes off 2-3 months a year from training. You won’t find a great athlete that doesn’t train in season. And you won’t find a great athlete that isn’t consistent in the training, nutrition and sleep.
Daily, they eat, sleep, train and recover.
#2 A Desire to be Better – Great athletes don’t blame the refs, coaches, parents or their team. Great athletes know that there is 1 person in this world that they can control, and that’s themselves. Knowing that, they work vigorously on their craft.
They thirst for improvements and strive to be better against all odds.
#3 Supporting Family & Friends – One of my most favorite quotes reads, “you become like those you surround yourself with.” Great athletes know this is 100% true. If you walk with lions, you begin to act like a lion. Great athletes aren’t worried about being the big fish in their small pond. Great athletes are fixated on surrounding themselves with other bigger fish.
Iron sharpens iron, surround yourself with those who will push you and make you better.
#4 Focus – When it’s time to practice or train, all other distractions go away. Side conversations are removed and the cell phone goes away. For the next 90 minutes it’s their time to be better and work on their craft.
No excuses, no distractions.
#5 Adaptability – All great athletes display the ability to be adaptable. Very rarely will things go as planned, but great athletes don’t hang themselves up over it. Great athletes analyze the situation, adapt, and respond. There won’t be any blame being placed anywhere, rather, great athletes find a way to overcome.
There is no obstacle too big for a successful athlete.
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Cody Revel, CSCS, Owner & Founder of The Athlete Academy
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